A voice for the centrists
Sinking realization that If I really intend to do the whole thing, I would never get to posting. It has almost been a year - and not a single post yet.
New approach - Get started, and eventually get to the ideal goal. I need to crawl before I walk before I run.
In every election cycle, I feel that there has to be a better way. I cannot seem to agree with either candidate, and end up settling for the one who "seems" less evil. The problem is that the candidates and the parties seem to voice only for those who hold extreme views. And there is no-one rooting for the middle ground. But when you get out there are and talk to people - it doesn't seem so polarized. Call me naive - But I do believe that there should be vigorous debate to get to a middle that most people can agree on.
I am creating this site to give voice to my way of getting to that middle path. My goal is to start looking at issues that capture the political scene, and start throwing ideas at it (my ideas), and hopefully with some criticism learn and improve those. I hope not to be dogmatic, and hope this will be a learning process.